Although some visitors still choose hotels, holiday rentals are actually becoming a common alternative to the familiar choice. Rental properties typically offer more affordable rates and a far more personal, relaxed experience than hotels.

Visitors will relax in their own private apartment, exceeding their service expectations. They will enjoy the flexibility to schedule their holidays according to their desires and comfort. A holiday home offers you more convenience, more casualness, more anonymity, and more personalized service than any hotel.

Luxury home lodging is much more economical than staying at one of the best hotels or resorts when measured on a per bedroom or per guest basis and including all the “extras” you would have to pay for in a hotel. Costs are very low for beverages, snacks, and laundry. Even the most expensive rental is more affordable than a hotel, especially if families and friends are traveling together.

It’s not all about the favorable price, security plays a very important role. When it comes to staying at a hotel your worst nightmare is where to keep your documents, money, and other valuable stuff. Since concierge employees will come to your room and clean and restock the supplies, you are constantly under pressure if someone may steal your belongings. Hotels are unable to cope with the additional security offered to travelers by holiday rentals. While staying at your rented property you do not care about workers walking into the room during your stay, and keyless entry gives another degree of security.

If you’re concerned about how the rental concierge system operates, you should know that the logistics are well organized and safe. Upon arrival, if it’s needed, you will be greeted by the concierge employee, who will show you the place, and inform you about the main necessities. If you have any issues during your visit, you should call the concierge department to help you solve them, so, no worries, you’re never alone.


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